Art Tables

Unique Aspects of our Program

  • Daily journal entries for each child, documenting their development and experiences.

  • Shared site on Shutterfly- daily photos of each child, journal, calendar of events, contact information for families, videos, and the school wish list.

  • Wide variety of art media, including paints, clay, collage, objects from nature, recycled materials, yarn, glitter, loose parts, papier mache, and much more!

  • Ongoing portfolio for each child.

  • Long-term and cooperative projects.

  • Nutritious snacks.

  • Home visits to build trust, establish an initial bond, and ease the transition.



The human brain develops more rapidly between birth and age six than during any other time period in life. The 100 billion neurons that humans are born with make connections through synapses, “wiring” the brain for action. A child's experiences impacts the types and amount of synaptic connections that are made.  The brain operates on a “use it or lose it” principle. Only those connections and pathways that are activated frequently are retained. Other connections that are not consistently used will be pruned or discarded so the active connections can become stronger.  During that time, the human brain undergoes rapid development; it’s a period when a child builds cognitive skills- the foundation for reading, math, science and academics- as well as character skills, social-emotional growth, gross-motor skills and executive functioning, which includes everything from impulse control to problem solving.  An effective preschool program offers a wide variety of experiences that can contribute to synaptic connections.  This process essentially "hard wires" the  brain, increasing the capacity for learning throughout life.

mETHOD 2: uSE Environment as a teacher

"We strive to construct an environment that inspires learning.  New materials will be introduced constantly, as the interests of our students evolve.  Established zones will accommodate different types of exploration: a readers' lounge, puzzles, blocks and construction materials, math manipulatives, science discovery, solitary play, and relaxation, an active zone for gross motor development and cooperative games, a dramatic play area for pretend play, a messy zone for sensory exploration and creative expression, and an outdoor classroom.  We go outside every day, weather permitting.  The natural world provides a multi-sensory learning experience and an opportunity for us to breathe fresh air, soak in some sunshine, and witness the rhythms and cycles of our planet.  We will promote stewardship of the land by sustaining an intimate connection with nature.  For more information about connecting children with the natural world, check out

mETHOD 3: cOMMUNITY building

Community building is an essential component of our program.  We aspire to create a sense of community among our students, fostering empathy and responsibility within the group.  We celebrate the uniqueness of each person, teaching tolerance and acceptance.  Learning is accelerated when children collaborate with others.  Age diversity contributes to this learning.  Younger children look up to the older kids, challenging them academically.  Older children take on a leadership role, building confidence, patience and empathy, as well as reinforcing their own skills by assisting the younger students.  Another important aspect of our community is parent involvement.  There will be several opportunities throughout the year for families to get together and share in their children's discoveries.  We also maintain an open door policy, welcoming parents to contribute their skills and be active partners their child's learning.  We maintain communication via a journal for each child, documenting their development and experiences.  A secure shared site on Shutterfly allows families to access photos, videos, journal entries, school calendar and wish list.